Monday, August 3, 2009

Final Requirements

Final Requirements

The final is a CD that contains the following:

1 A folder containing the completed House Project.
Read over the assignment to make sure you have completed all the requirements.Include the most up to date renderings.

2 A folder containing the completed Surface Project.Read over the assignment to make sure you have completed all the requirements.

3 A folder containing all exercises. Both the Maya files and screenshots and/or renderings of each exercise. You should have most of these exercises in the City Plan, giving them context, utility, and scale.

4 A folder containing all Master's student stuff/extra credit.

a. A Erwin Hauer screen modeled and rendered.
b. A rendered section of the house project.
c. Facade variations of the animated tower exercise.
d. Formative 3 students should have their final studio project modeled and rendered.

I will also except other completed studies and projects modeled in Maya in the last semester. And when I say completed I mean don't give me a bunch of crap.

The file is due in class on Saturday August 8th at 9:30 am.

Saturday, August 1, 2009